We stand for an exquisite future.
By this declaration, we commit to the intelligent and intentional evolution of our world.
We choose to identify and resolve critical issues - locally and globally - and to prioritize humanity’s positive evolution.
By taking this stand, we pledge ourselves to the future we all know is possible. A future that feels right in our minds and in our hearts. We pledge our willingness to do what it takes to bring this future about in our beliefs as well as in our actions and institutions. We commit to authenticity, in every sense of the word. To living with integrity and intention.
We vow to make every decision in relation to this feeling and this future as we consciously create a tomorrow that is better in every way than today.
Now, more than any time in our past, we are able to come together as a nation, as a species, as a force for good… to collectively unite in creating our own best future.
We will create a new and intentional world that prioritizes transparency, well-being, peer-to-peer connection, success, integrity, equality, balance, and love; a society that recognizes and harnesses the knowledge that we are - right now - shaping the world into what it is becoming.
In order to bring this about we commit to creating and endlessly improving a cultural interface through which we aim and connect ourselves - individually and collectively - to our own most successful future and our own best selves. A network that distributes power as effectively as it ensures the distribution of our best future into every aspect of our society. One through which we can share the best of our behaviors globally.
This is by its very nature more comprehensive than anything we have ever attempted or experienced before. It is a way to join together on a journey that is both deeply personal and all-embracing. A connection with the stability of small groups and the power of global scale. A commitment by each of us to be intentional in all the roles in our lives. As parents. As consumers. As students. As teachers. As business leaders. As public servants. As community members. As friends. As lovers. As heroes on our own personal journeys. As individuals and as stewards of our world.
We commit to the truth that we can achieve a stable, peaceful, prosperous, diverse global civilization. A future which honors freedom of personal belief, and in which truly democratic political processes dominate. A tomorrow that includes a high level of universal education, healthcare, and basic income, as well as a genuinely impartial and accessible system of justice. A world in which both advanced and basic technology is applied in ways that are in balance with the natural environment and support each of us in being at our best, producing an equitable distribution of social benefits. A world in which we are rewarded for our efforts, while also providing for the entire extended family that is humanity.
This is a vision that will continue to evolve, a path with no end. A journey through which we achieve a culture we are proud of and a society whose essence is love, stability, health, safety, adaptability, and well-being. A world in which individuals, as well as businesses and nations, connect in order to bring about the best possible tomorrow.
This is a declaration that we stand for everything in the world evolving until it embodies and expresses this future.
In ratifying this document, I pledge myself to endlessly bringing about this future in my thoughts, beliefs, and actions. I commit to continually living with integrity for myself and my fellow humans, identifying disparities and working to resolve them in the completion of this great vision.